8 September 2021

Wednesday 8th September 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Attendance and Punctuality at Bishop Challoner Catholic College
Welcome back to academic year 2021/2022. We would like to remind you of the importance of attendance and punctuality. We appreciate your support as parents/carers and your constant drive to have all students in school enjoying learning; it is a key element to our consistent success.
Above 98% |
Excellent attendance- less than 4 days absence in a year |
95%-97% |
Good attendance- the national expectation of a student in a secondary school. Less than 9 days absence in a year. Bishop Challoner Catholic College attendance target for all students is 97% minimum. |
94%-90% |
Below average/low attendance- this is cause for concern and school may consider an early help assessment as well as in school monitoring and intervention. |
90% and below |
Exceptionally low attendance- 19 days absence in a year. Students with attendance of 90% or below are persistently absent from school. Parents/carers of students with this level of attendance will be referred to Birmingham City Council Education Legal Intervention Team for them to take the appropriate action unless there is exceptional circumstances or recognised medical grounds. |
Reporting an absence
- All absences must be reported to the Pastoral Office before 9am each day. If it is a prolonged absence a call is required each day.
- If you know your child is going to be absent due to a medical appointment please let us know in advance with evidence for the absence.
- A written letter, giving details of absences, must be given to your son/daughter’s Form Tutor on return.
- If your child has been absent due to a medical appointment please attach the appointment card/letter.
- Unexplained absences will be unauthorised by the school.
Examples of unauthorised absence:
- Leave of absence not approved by the school.
- Absence not reported on the day or supported by written explanation upon return to school.
- Arriving late after register has closed.
- Truancy.
Examples of medical evidence:
- Medical appointment card with one appointment entered
- Letter from a professional such as a hospital Consultant or Psychologist
- Evidence of a consultation with NHS 111
- Medication prescribed by a GP
- Copy of prescription
- Print screen of medical notes
- Letters concerning hospital appointments
- Slip with date, pupils name and surgery stamp, signed by receptionist
Request for absence of leave during term time
The law does not grant parents/carers automatic right to take their child out of school during term time. Any absence from school will disrupt your child’s leaning.
Arriving late to school and into lessons is very disruptive for the teacher and other class members. It also means that late students miss important input from teachers.
A student arriving late to school must sign in at Reception if the front gates have been closed. The sanctions detailed below are likely to be applied when lateness occurs. Any deviation from these sanctions is at the discretion of senior staff.
Students can be onsite earlier than the start time of the school day, the canteen is open from 7am for students wishing to purchase breakfast items.
Year 7-9
Arrive to school late- 30 minute same day detention
Arrive to school late x 2 in same week- 1 hour detention on designated day
Arrive to school late more than twice, consider late initiative where student gets 1 hour detention each day late or 5pm finishes where required
Year 10
Arrive to school late- 1 hour same day detention
Arrive to school late x 2 in same week- 5pm finish
Arrive to school late more than twice or general persistent lateness, 5pm finish for each day late.
Year 11
Arrive to school late- 1 hour same day detention after study session
Arrive to school late x 2 in same week- 6pm finish
Arrive to school late more than twice or general persistent lateness, 6pm finish for each day late.
Late detentions for all year groups will begin on Thursday 9th September 2021.
Thank you for your continued support in helping to raise attendance, punctuality, attainment and progress at Bishop Challoner Catholic College.
Yours sincerely.
Mr D Hearnden
Vice Principal