23 August 2021

August 2021
Dear parents/carers
Sixth Form Information Evening
On Tuesday 7th September we will be holding an Information Evening, consisting of two separate sessions, for parents/carers of students in Years 13 and 12 respectively. We do hope you will be able to join us. Sixth Form students are not expected to attend as they will have had their own induction.
6.00-.6.45 pm: Year 13 parents/carers: we will outline the year ahead and a colleague from a local university will give a presentation on Student Finance. We will also discuss the alternatives to Higher Education eg. Apprenticeships.
6.50-7.10 pm- All Parents: Student wellbeing talk – advice and discussion on how we seek to support students with managing stress and anxiety and other issues. We hope a colleague from Pause/Forward Thinking Birmingham will be available to introduce the services that they can provide.
7.15-7.45 pm- Year 12 parents/carers: This will be an introduction to Bishop Challoner Sixth Form; an opportunity to meet the Sixth Form Team and learn more about our expectations and procedures. A colleague from a local university will present an overview of the University Application process.
Yours sincerely
M. A. Nutt
Assistant Principal - Sixth Form