12 August 2021

Dear all
The last 18 months has arguably been one of the most challenging times in education and, more generally, in the way in which we have been asked to live our lives. In dealing with a global pandemic, we continue to live through unprecedented times and to manage the wide-ranging impacts this continues to have on us and our families.
We would like to congratulate all our young people in Year 11 and Year 13 on achieving their GCSEs and A levels and to pay tribute to them for the tremendous resilience and strength of character they have demonstrated in the last 18 months as they have worked towards completing them.
We are extremely proud of them all for the efforts they have made to secure GCSE and A level grades that will allow them to progress onto the next stage of their journey through life. We would also like to thank the teachers at Bishop Challoner Catholic College for all their work and commitment throughout this time. The last few months has been a marvellous example of our community working together in difficult and very challenging circumstances.
Finally, we would like to thank all our parent/carers for the support you have provided your children and for the support you have offered the school – it is much appreciated.
Results Day is a cause for great celebration, and we offer our thoughts and prayers to all our young people in Year 11 and Year 13 as they embark on post 16 study, university study or work-related training in the coming weeks and months.
Best wishes
Bishop Challoner Catholic College