9 August 2021


Dear Student,


On receipt of your A level and GCSE results this week if you intend to make an appeal you will need to complete the:

Stage One - Centre Review Appeal Form. 

When completing the form, you will need to use the Word-based version which is available below. 

If required, you will then need to complete the:

Stage Two - Awarding Organisation Appeal Form. 

When completing the form, you will need to use the Word-based version which is available below.

Before submitting a Stage One or Stage Two appeal form, please make sure you have read carefully the 'Important Information for Students' which is available below.

AG - Appeals Forms



Stage One and Stage Two Appeals Forms and all other enquiries relating to results or appeals must be sent to:



Please do not contact individual teachers as all enquiries will be redirected to the above email address.

When emailing the school, you MUST use your Bishop Challoner email address.


Further guidance on the Appeals process, published by JCQ, is available at:
