13 July 2021

Dear Students,
Year 13 Results Day 10th August.
- Location: Common Room.
- You will be sent information regarding the time at which should arrive week beginning Monday 19th July.
Year 11 GCSE Results Day and 6th Form Enrolment 12th August.
- Location: Common Room.
- You will be sent your individual appointment time week beginning Monday 19th July.
- Please note if you do not enrol on 12th August, you must email SixthFormAdmin@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk to discuss your choices.
- If you leave this until September, we cannot guarantee there will be spaces on your chosen courses.
Please follow this link to our Sixth Form Virtual Welcome and other resources. 6th Form Staff - Virtual Welcome
M A Nutt
Associate Principal – Sixth Form
Further Information Letters
Results Information