13 July 2021

13th July 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
As we approach the end of what has been a very challenging academic year, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and to thank your children for the wonderful way they have adapted to the changes to school life throughout the year. They have demonstrated a level of determination and resilience throughout the first year of their GCSE and A levels which is a real credit to them.
What are the arrangements for GCSE and A level examinations next year?
This is a question that all stakeholders in a school are currently asking and no doubt is a question that is on your mind as parent/carers and on your child’s mind too.
At the moment there is no definitive answer to this question. Ofqual, the examinations regulator, is currently consulting on proposed arrangements for examinations in the summer of 2022. They are seeking the views of all stakeholders in a school, i.e. teachers, governors, parent/carers, students, examination boards and universities, on proposed adaptations to the assessment of GCSE and AS/A levels next summer.
The consultation will be open for 3 weeks starting yesterday and ending on 1st August at 11.45pm. It is a relatively short consultation period so that decisions can be announced early in the next academic year, giving students, parent/carers, teachers, and examination boards time to plan for examinations taking place next summer.
The consultation does not take long to complete and it is set out in a user friendly way. The consultation also provides an opportunity for you to express your views in a little more detail on some of the proposals Ofqual make – I am sure this is something that many of you would welcome the opportunity to do.
By completing the consultation, you get a real flavour of what changes to the examinations are likely to be introduced in 2022. The more responses Ofqual receive, the more informed their final changes will be.
The link to the consultation is below:
A separate but related consultation on proposed changes to vocational qualifications in the summer of 2022 is also available using the link below:
Thank you once again for your continued support. It is very much appreciated.
Best wishes to you and your families for the summer.
Yours sincerely
Dr J Coughlan