18 June 2021

Image of Parent, Carer Letter - 18.06.2021 - YR 11 Leavers Service


Friday 18th June 2021




Dear Year 11,


To mark the end of your school careers with us before you embark on adventures new, be it at our Sixth Form or further afield, we cordially invite you to a virtual Leavers’ Service on Monday 28th June, 2021 commencing at 11:10 via Teams.


This is an opportunity for us to celebrate all that we have endeavoured over the last five years. I sincerely hope you can all join us.


To confirm your attendance to our virtual service, please ask your parents/carers to consent via Schoolcomms by Friday 25th June.


If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me.


Kind regards,




Ms Beard

Head of Year 11