16 June 2021

June 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
We will be hosting a Sixth Form Taster Day on Tuesday 22nd June 2021 for all year 11 students who have been given a conditional offer of a place at Bishop Challoner Sixth Form College.
The day will consist of a welcome assembly in the morning and then students will have 4 A Level/ Vocational Taster sessions, in subjects that they have indicated they would be interested in.
Students do not have to wear uniform, but they must comply with the Bishop Challoner Sixth Form College dress code as detailed below.
Sixth form students may wear casual clothing, but the following items are not permitted:
- Clothes that reveal bare backs, midriff or plunging necklines
- Strapless, off the shoulder, or skimpy vest tops
- Any clothes that reveal upper thighs (unless worn with thick leggings)
- Clothes with offensive slogans
- Shorts above the knee
- Ripped Jeans
- Jogging/tracksuit bottoms, PE shorts, shorts made of jogging bottom material
- Sports or leisure leggings
- Headwear, except that worn for religious reasons
The Sixth Form eatery will be available to purchase food and drinks from at break and lunchtime.
This event is compulsory, and parents/carers should follow the usual absence reporting process if their son/daughter is unable to attend. Students will not be allowed to leave the school site during the school day.
They must be in school by 9am and will leave at 3pm.
We look forward to seeing them all on Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
M. A. Nutt
Associate Principal- Sixth Form