28 May 2021

27th May 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Return to normal school day
From Monday 7th June we will be returning to the usual school day for all students, which means that Year 12 students will be expected to be in their form rooms for registration by 8.40.
I have copied below the details from the Sixth Form Handbook you received In September as a reminder.
Registration Tutor Time
Monday 8.40-8.50
Tuesday 8:40-8:50 2:50-3:10
Wednesday 8:40-8:50 Enrichment/Progression
Thursday 8:40-8:50 2:50-3:10
Friday 8.40-8.45
Students will be expected to use non-taught periods for independent study. They will have the usual Year 12 facilities for this, as well as the Year 13 study centre, where netbooks can be borrowed.
As usual, students will be permitted to leave the premises at break and lunchtime, if they wish, as long as they return punctually.
Students will be free to leave on Mondays and Fridays, as soon as their last lesson or commitment is finished.
Please be reminded of the information sent out last week regarding Dress Code from 7th June.
Further reminders: Mock examinations run 14th-18th June. Parents/carers Consultation 4-6 pm 14th July.
Any absence should be reported each day, by parents/carers, to Mrs Reynolds.
I would like, once more, to congratulate our students on the fortitude shown in this challenging year and sincerely hope we can look forward to a gradual return to normality.
Kind regards
M. A. Nutt
Associate Principal- Sixth Form