28 May 2021

28th May 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you are aware, from Monday 7th June 2021 Year 11 and Year 13 students will follow a programme of remote activities. Year 11 students who have applied to Bishop Challoner 6th Form College will be invited to taster sessions week commencing Monday 21st June, students will receive further details of these sessions in due course.
You will find the programme for each week on the school website here-
Students are required to follow the timetable of morning and afternoon sessions, there are links to various websites and resources and extension activities. There will be a form time session on a Thursday afternoon at 2.50pm, this will be via Microsoft Teams and all students are required to attend, they will receive an invite.
Should you have any queries please contact-
Year 11- Miss Beard
Year 13- Mrs Nutt
Yours faithfully,
Mr D Hearnden
Assistant Principal