17 May 2021

17th May 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
We would like to provide you with an update on plans for the summer term for Year 12 students.
Mock Exams:
Mock exams will run from Monday 14th June to Friday 18th June. There will be one paper per subject. You will be informed of the mock exam results via letter which will be posted home week beginning Monday 5th July
The purpose of the mock exams is to give an indication of progress made during Year 12 and allow the Sixth Form Team to identify any student whose progress in one or more subjects is a concern.
The mock exam results, and those from the exams that will take place in September ’21, will be used in discussions with students about future pathways and inform, but not determine, their UCAS predicted grades.
Students will receive an end of year written report which will be will be sent home week beginning Monday 12th July
Parent/Carer Consultation Evening
There will be a virtual PCE on Wednesday 14th July. 4pm-6pm.
July 2021
The last teaching day for Year 12 will be Thursday 8th July (9th is PCD). This is not the last day Year 12 students are expected in college.
12th -16th July is Virtual Work Experience Week. You will be aware that this year there is a huge range of very worthwhile, online, work-related opportunities that students have been encouraged to sign up to. Some students will also be involved in NCS that week or engaging in MOOCS or work-related activities on the Unifrog platform.
19th July Students will return to college for an AM or PM session to register with UCAS and/or the National Apprenticeship website. Attendance is compulsory. They will update their Unifrog profile and upload the first draft of their Personal Statement. (Students will be expected to have finalised their Personalised Statements by October half term 2021).
September 2021
There will be another examination period from Monday 20th September to Friday 24th September
A short report will be sent home before October half term.
We would like to reiterate how impressed we have been with Year 12 this year. It has been, without doubt, an extremely challenging year but students have continued to demonstrate resilience and positive attitudes. It has been pleasing to see students being so proactive in their personal and academic development. It is important that their efforts are maintained. You can be assured that staff are working hard to support our students in living out our mission statement, giving glory to God by developing our full potential.
Kind regards
M.A. Nutt
Associate Principal- Sixth Form