17 May 2021

Monday 17th May 2021
Arrangements for the Final weeks of Year 11
Dear Parent/Carer,
Under normal circumstances, Year 11 would be well underway with their public examinations. In the absence of such external exams this year, we will be following the guidance that the Department of Education has issued for this time.
From Monday 24th May 2021 students will only be required to attend school for assessments, catch up or intervention sessions. If your son/daughter is required to attend for catch up or intervention sessions they will be advised, once they are in school they will remain in school until their last session of the day, they will not be able to leave in-between times.
From Monday 7th June 2021 students will have a weekly timetable of activities consisting of wider, subject-related reading, work-related careers tasks, PSHE sessions, well-being sessions and face to face taster opportunities both at Bishop Challoner Sixth Form College and other further education providers.
Students will also be required to attend a weekly form time on Thursday afternoons via Microsoft Teams.
There will be no expectation for students to be on site full time. Key staff will remain available for any student requiring subject related or pastoral support and full details of the programme will be published in due course.
Our careers officer, Miss McGowan can be contacted via email: e.mcgowan@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
We hope that the relaxing of Covid restrictions will enable us to invite students into school for a Leavers Event towards the end of June, further details of any such event will be communicated.
Once again, I would like to commend our Year 11 students for the resilience and diligence they have shown in these most challenging of times.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Hearnden
Assistant Principal