21 April 2021

Wednesday 22nd April 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Summer term focus on Post 18 Options
In order to help prepare your son/daughter for the decisions they will shortly be making about their future, we will be having a ‘Post 18 Options’ focus throughout the summer term, mainly during assemblies and form times, but some sessions will be delivered through timetabled enrichment sessions after May half term.
The proposed plan is attached. There is a heavy emphasis on the university route, because this particular pathway requires an application to UCAS. The UCAS process works to a tight deadline and students need to have a thorough understanding of how this process works before they are able to make a competitive application. Students who apply to other routes receive the same amount of support when making their applications but the processes are more individual. We also find that every year a number of students decide to make late applications to UCAS and so it is important that all students understand the UCAS process and application form, even if they do not believe it is anything they are interested in currently.
The programme concludes (12th-16th July) with a week of self-directed activities, which can include the completion of one of the following: National Citizenship Service (NCS), virtual work experience or a MOOC (online course on Unifrog or Future Learn). Whichever option your son/daughter chooses, it should relate in some way to their future goal. Your son/daughter will be expected in school on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th July for the conclusion of their studies, as well as registering for UCAS or apprenticeships and updating their personal statements to include their recent experiences.
Please discuss the attached programme with your son/daughter and ensure that they understand that each session is important and, unfortunately, will not be repeated, due to demands on time.
If you would like to explore your son/daughter’s Post 18 Options in more depth, please go to www.unifrog.org/student and click ‘Sign in for the first time’. You will be asked for some details and a form code. This is what you need: BSCCPARENTS
Unifrog has an enormous amount of information about every pathway available to students. We will be using this throughout the sessions during this summer term.
Many thanks for your support,
Yours faithfully,
Miss E Darby
Career Leader
Proposed Summer Term Plan