16 March 2021

16th March 2021
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: Year 11 Parents evening - Thursday 25th March 2021, 5.30pm-8.00pm
On Thursday 25th March we will be holding our first Virtual Year 11 Parents’ evening. At this event you will have the opportunity to speak with your child’s Personal Tutor to discuss their progress to date. You will receive your child’s report prior to this event.
The school has introduced a new intuitive and easy to use online system called School cloud. This allows you to choose your own appointment time with your child’s personal tutor between 5.30pm-6.30pm for which you will receive a confirmation email containing a link that will enable you to join a virtual meeting.
Teaching staff that would like to speak with you will request an appointment with you between
6.30pm-8.00pm. If you are not available at the time requested by the member of staff you will need to cancel the time given and request one of the other time slots available. If you would like to speak with a specific teacher who has not requested an appointment with you, please mention this to the Personal Tutor who will arrange for them to contact you at a later date.
You do not need to download any applications, but simply need access to a web browser. The appointments will last for 7 minutes and will automatically finish when the time is up. Appointments can be made through the online booking system up until the day of the event itself. More information on how to access your video appointment can be found here: https://bishopchalloner.org.uk/school-cloud
In order to log in, book your appointments and conduct your meetings you will need to visit the following website: https://bctsa.schoolcloud.co.uk and log in with the email address we have on our system for priority contact number 1.
If you do not have access to the internet, please also contact Mrs Reynolds on 0121 441 6144 so that we can make alternative arrangements. If you have any additional queries please don't hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully
Mr D Hearnden
Assistant Principal