5 March 2021

March 2021 Year 11 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award update. Dear Parents/Carers, Due to COVID we were unable to complete our Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and have now confirmed the options available for your child to continue the programme but with COVID procedures in place or to withdraw and be partially refunded. Whilst there are many safety restrictions currently in place that limit the conditions of the expedition, the DofE have been extremely flexible with their guidelines that would allow us to complete the award this academic year. We are mindful that this is a very important year academically so our aim is to cause as little disruption to pupils studies as possible. We would like to reassure you that every effort will be taken to ensure the safety of your child is maintained whilst on expedition and all the various safety checks and risk assessments will be put in place. We have thought very carefully about the way forward and at this point have come up with two options. We would be very grateful if you could please indicate your choice of option on SchoolComms by Friday 12th March 2021. Option 1: Withdraw your child from the programme. Receive a refund of £148, this is with a £22 reduction due to having already registered your child with the DofE. However, this money isn’t lost as any progress they have already made with their award can be saved and they have until the age of 25 to complete if they wish to so. Option 2: If you would like your child to remain on the programme, with the aim of completing their expedition in July 2021. The practice expedition element will be removed and the assessed expedition will be altered. The expedition will consist of 2 days but without an overnight stay, one day training and teambuilding, and one day assessment. This expedition will be offered at a reduced price, we anticipate you will receive a £125 refund based on these current plans. If we are unable to safely run the expedition we will ensure that those who have opted to continue will also receive a refund of £148. Thank you for your patience, we will work hard to try to keep the opportunity for your child available and will keep you informed. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or queries (k.beall@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk / s.ellis@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk)
Yours faithfully,
Miss Beall and Miss Ellis DofE Managers |