5 March 2021

March 2021 Year 10 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. The school has put the necessary safety procedures in place to allow us to safely run the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award this year despite the difficult circumstances that we face due to COVID 19. The DofE have adapted the criteria to allow schools to run the programmes this summer but there will be some different aspects from previous years. Please be assured that your child’s safety will remain at the heart of everything we do. The Bronze DofE award consists of four sections. There are three independent sections, Volunteering, Skill and Physical; one of these sections must be carried out for 6 months and the other two for 3 months (this is individual choice). The final section is a two day walking expedition. Traditionally we work with the pupils to plan a 2 day walk with an overnight camping stay. Due to COVID, this year the expedition section will consist of two days activity including walking, team building, camp craft and map reading skills. However there will be no overnight camping, pupils will return home between the days. Pupils who are interested will be able to sign up free of charge initially to get a feel for the award and what will be expected of them. We would expect them to have started at least one section, providing some evidence for this. They will have a half term (until Easter) to have a go at one (or two if they wish) of the three independent sections which as are follows.
As there will be limited places available, pupils will be expected to show commitment by taking part in for 1 hour per week on at least one of the sections. They must choose one section to do for 6 months and the other two sections for 3 months. After Easter, pupils will be asked to confirm if they want to formally continue with the award and it will be at this point when a non-refundable deposit of £22 will be taken. This payment will be used solely to register your child officially with the DofE organisation. They will receive log in details and an information pack. Any time spent on the 3 sections stated above in the trial period will be used towards completing the award. A second payment of £23 will cover the 2 days activities for the expedition section. This payment will be due later in the summer term. If due to COVID the expedition section cannot take place you will receive a full refund on this payment. Therefore the total cost of the award (£22 non-refundable & £23 Expedition costs) is £45 which is excellent value for money. For further information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award please see this link If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact us s.ellis@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk or k.beall@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk Yours faithfully,
Miss Beall and Miss Ellis