1 March 2021

1 March 2021
Dear Year 13 students We hope you and your families are well and that you are looking forward to a return to face-to-face learning next week. We have been very impressed with the resilience and dedication you have demonstrated during this latest Lockdown and as staff, we are looking forward to welcoming you back into College. On Thursday 25th February, Ofqual released some guidance documents explaining the processes involved in the awarding of grades this summer. Individual Examination Boards are due to issue their own guidance to schools in the coming weeks. You can view Ofqual’s guidance documents by using the links below: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/how-qualifications-will-be-awarded-in-2021 Teachers will be responsible for awarding your grades. No use will be made of algorithms, such as those that caused such confusion, and were eventually abandoned, last summer. Your grades will not be awarded on the basis of one piece of evidence. A teacher’s judgement will take into account a wide evidence base covering work that you have already completed and will also include work that you will complete in the coming weeks and months. With this in mind Year 13, it is very important that you continue to maintain your efforts. As you know, Lockdown necessitated the postponement of the mock examinations. These will be rescheduled in some form, and not necessarily in the form that was planned in January. You will not be faced with assessments immediately on your return. You will be given plenty of notice and time to prepare, so please do not worry. You can be very confident that your teachers will continue to fully support you as you prepare for your future. You will continue to cover the necessary subject content and practise the range of skills required and be given time to revise content that has already been covered. There will be ample opportunities for you to demonstrate your academic attainment and what you are capable of achieving. We have said before: we cannot control the current situation but we can determine how we respond to the challenge. Take time to look after yourselves. Remember that there is a range of useful wellbeing links on the website: https://www.bishopchalloner.org.uk/catholic-college/about/safeguarding/safeguarding-and-well-being It is very important that we all continue to follow the advice on how to stay safe. You are assured of the support of your teachers and the whole school community. Together, we will continue to live out our Sixth Form motto and Aspire to be More. Kind regards M. A. Nutt |