19 January 2021
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Dear Year 11 We hope that you are all safe and well. It appears that many of you have adapted to online learning extremely well and are engaging with your lessons and following your normal school timetable. You should be congratulated for this - well done. It is vital that you continue to attend all your live lessons and complete any work that is set. It is also very important to submit set work in the correct format and by the date requested by your teacher. You will be aware of the government’s recent announcement about your GCSE examinations not going ahead in the normal way this year. The examinations regulator, Ofqual, will be publishing comprehensive guidance on how GCSE grades will be awarded in the coming weeks. Once this guidance is published, your teachers will have a greater understanding of the process and how grades will be determined later this year. Please be assured that we will continue to live out our mission statement to support you in developing your full potential. Several of you have been in touch with a variety of questions about the next steps. Please read the information below, which will answer many of those questions- Applications to Bishop Challoner Sixth Form If you have applied to our Sixth Form you will shortly receive a conditional offer letter. There is also some information on the Sixth Form page of the school website about the subject choices you need to make. Please read this here and then select your subjects using the link here Year 12 Subject Options Form. Please note that you will need to select your initial subject choices by Wednesday 10th February. Completing this form now will give us an idea of where your interests currently lie. We understand that choices you make now are likely to change later. Therefore, do not worry about changing your mind on subject choices as this is something we expect. In normal circumstances you would have had a meeting with one of the Sixth Form team to discuss subject choices this term. You will have the opportunity to discuss these choices in more detail with teachers as soon as you return to school. Wellbeing It is important that you are looking after yourself. You may have seen some important information from Mrs Breen and Mrs Nutt that was sent out last week. If you have not yet seen this then the link is here- Wellbeing Letter. You will see that on Friday 22nd January there will be no live lessons or remote learning during periods 4 and 5, as this has been dedicated as a Wellbeing Afternoon. Ongoing, if you need support, it is very important that you contact us. You can contact any one of your teachers, Miss Beard, Mr Fell or the Student Support team. Do not keep any concerns you have to yourself and just hope things will work out and get better; there is always a solution. Please continue to follow the same procedures as normal and make sure your parent/carer informs school if you are unwell and, therefore, not able to access Live Lessons or complete work. If we do not know this, we are likely to contact you. Careers You should by now have received an email from Miss McGowan, our Careers Adviser, who continues to be available to support you with any applications and/or provide impartial careers, education, information, advice, and guidance. She can be contacted by email e.mcgowan@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk or by phone 07541 507 234. If there is anything else that we can help or support you with then please do not hesitate to get in touch. Best wishes, Mr Hearnden Assistant Principal |