31 December 2020

31st December 2020
Dear parents/carers,
UPDATED: Return to school from January 2021
I hope you have had a happy and peaceful Christmas.
Following the government announcement yesterday on the return to school in January I write to inform you of a number of important changes to my original letter dated 17th December.
New term start dates
Vulnerable children and children of critical workers will be able to attend school in person from the start of term on Monday 4th January 2021.
Students should attend in full school uniform and the timings of the school day will remain the same with staggered starts and ends.
If you are a critical worker and your child will be attending please email your child’s name and year group to keyworker@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk
An updated list of critical workers can be found via this weblink:
Students in year 11 and 13 will be expected to return to school for face-to-face education on Monday 11th January.
Currently, all other students will be expected to return to school for face-to-face education on Monday 18th January.
Students should continue to refrain from attending school if they are displaying any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 or if they are required to self-isolate. If any student tests positive for COVID-19 parents/carers must inform the school as a matter of urgency.
Remote learning
Whilst students are not in school for face-to-face teaching they will be able to access remote education and follow their usual school timetable. It is likely this provision will be a blend of Class Charts tasks and Microsoft Teams live lessons.
Remote education for all year groups will commence on Tuesday 5th January.
We will communicate further details on this over the weekend together with information on how to access support with technology in the home if required.
Examinations and mocks
The BTEC Sport public examination scheduled for the week of 4th January will go ahead as planned.
Year 13 mock exams will commence from January 11th as previously communicated.
Secondary schools have also been asked to consider implementing regular COVID-19 lateral flow testing and we will be updating you on our plans in due course together with detailed information from the NHS.
Can I take the opportunity to wish you all a very happy New Year and thank you once more for your support.
J Coughlan