20 November 2020

Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s)
Re: School Fund
In addition to our curriculum provision we also offer a rich and wide ranging programme of extra-curricular activities and educational visits. We try to ensure that students spend their time in a stimulating and well maintained environment and have plenty of exciting opportunities to explore new things.
All of this though comes at a cost. Our limited school budget is carefully managed and overseen by Governors in order to provide the very best value for money. We use our budget to fund staffing, equipment and the necessary support that enables the school to be successful.
This, however, allows very little flexibility to finance the ‘extras’ that we think are an important part of all young peoples’ schooling. We therefore request from all families a school fund payment that helps us provide the equipment and opportunities that make such a difference to students’ experience in school. In recent years your donations have been provided funding to support activities as diverse as:-
- An extracurricular provision that is significantly diverse and rich.
- Upkeep of four mini buses to transport students across the country to different events.
- Resources for our Eco Project to enhance the environment, reflect pride in our school and raise the awareness of global issues.
- Upkeep of facilities so all students have the opportunities to reach their full potential.
The requested school fund payment is £40 per child paid in two instalments
School fund is spent only on the approval of the Governors. Payments should be made through our Schools Comms system and it will be requested in September and again in March. Please note that the request for payment automatically appears on School Comms for all students from Years 7 to 13. If you have more than one child in the school please make the payment for the youngest only.
I would like to thank you in anticipation of your generosity. If you have concerns about the contents of this letter please write to myself or the Chair of Governors, care of the school.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. J Coughlan