17 November 2020

Tuesday 17th November 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
On Monday the government updated its guidance for Education and Child Care settings. We have been advised of the following:
Schools and colleges can and should be continuing to offer before and after school or college activities and clubs for their pupils, in order to enable parents to work, seek work, or to undertake education or training, and for the purposes of respite care (for vulnerable children). This includes activities and clubs related to PE, sport, music, dance and drama. Where schools are offering these activities they should advise parents that they should only be using them for these purposes.
This will mean that our before and after school club provision will be reinstated from Wednesday 18th November for any student who requires the support. PE, sport, music, and drama will be added alongside our interventions, study session and detention provisions.
We are exceptionally pleased with this outcome as we feel our before and after school programme is an integral part of every child’s education. We also feel there has never been a more important time for our young people to be able to take part in extracurricular activities to support their health and wellbeing.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Dr J Coughlan