17 November 2020

Image of Parent, Carer Letter 17.11.2020 - Allergy Management

Tuesday 17th November 2020


Dear Parent/Carer,

Allergy Management

Bishop Challoner Catholic College aims to minimise the risk to pupils and staff with allergies, including those who are allergic to nuts.

It is vital that staff and parents/carers and pupils adhere to the Allergy Management policy, as we have both pupils and staff in school who suffer from allergies, including nut allergies.

Persons with allergies, including a nut allergy can suffer life-threatening consequences if they come into contact with allergens, including nuts, either through ingestion or through touch.

Parents/carers, pupils and staff must not bring or send, any food into school either for packed lunches or for snacks/treats with nuts in.

For example, the following items should not be brought into school:

  • Packs of nuts
  • Peanut butter sandwiches
  • Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
  • Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
  • Cakes or biscuits made with nuts
  • Nutella
  • Muesli bars

Care should be taken when exchanging gifts, in particular at Easter, Christmas and birthdays.

We appreciate your support with this important matter.


E Breen                                                K Peckover

Vice Principal                                     Student Support Manager