5 November 2020

Thursday 05th November 2020


Dear Parent/Carer,

Yesterday the government updated its guidance for Education and Child Care settings. We have been advised of the following:

After-school clubs can only continue if their primary purpose is childcare. All other out of school activities, not being primarily used by parents for these purposes, should close for face-to-face provision for the duration of the national restrictions.

This will unfortunately mean that our before and after school club provision will be suspended for the duration of the restriction starting from Monday 9th November for four weeks as per government guidance for schools.

The following interventions will still continue however:

Study Sessions for our Yr11 and Yr13 students as scheduled


Teaching & Learning interventions: Touch Typing Club will continue for those students involved.

We are exceptionally disappointed with this outcome but we must adhere to the guidance provided. We will endeavour to keep you informed of any future changes with the hope that we can continue with our extra-curricular provision.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation



James Coughlan