18 March 2022

Image of Eco Group visit Martineau Gardens

Our Eco Group spent a lovely day at Martineau Gardens this week, combining fun with learning about our environment and planning for our forthcoming Peace Garden.  The group played games in the woodland, gleefully going on a minibeast hunt, and identifying trees they'd been led to whilst blindfolded by using their other senses. They then spoke to a horticultural therapist, who gave them a lot of ideas for planning their garden, inspiring them to look at the symbolism of plants when thinking of what to include. After that, they tastes a variety of herbs to decide which ones to plant around school - chives were especially popular!  After lunch, the staff at Martineau Gardens helped them to create mood boards for the Peace Garden, which thy then presented to each other. They arrived back at school with lots of ideas and enthusiasm for creating green spaces around school!





Posted by Admin HHF