Curriculum Information
Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE)
Subject rationale – Why study the subject? What benefits does it bring?
At Bishop Challoner Catholic College, we fundamentally believe that it is our duty to help our students become fully developed citizens and our vision aims to deliver high-quality education that provides pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to prepare them to play a full and active part in society.
We believe that through an engaging timetabled curriculum we can encourage pupils to reflect on the world in a meaningful and reflective way and increase their cultural capital by exploring political and social issues, critically. Furthermore, though a spiral curriculum covering PSHE in weekly and fortnightly lessons, drop down days, assemblies, form resources, cross-curricular mapping, visiting organisations etc, our students are able to identify risks, know when and how to seek support for a variety of issues and how to develop their physical, mental and economic good health.
The skills that are focused on, ensure students flourish; students will analyse the weight of evidence, debate and make reasoned arguments. By the end of key stage three, students will be prepared to take their place in society as responsible citizens; able to make safe and healthy choices, recognise risks and know how and why they should participate in civic society.
Through this philosophy, we will aim to:
- Ensure that teaching and learning in lessons and other PSHE delivery forums is of a high quality, meets the needs of our students and is in accordance with the National Curriculum for RSE and Health Education and Citizenship.
- Provide high challenge and expectations for all abilities and allow students opportunities to celebrate their success and recognise individual achievement.
- Instil a culture of openness where personal opinions can be discussed and students seek the support or signposting they may need.
- Give students the opportunity to experience political life through mock trials, political party creation and a trip to parliament, to name just a few opportunities.
- Develop and refine our students’ use of subject specific knowledge and language and provide them with the opportunities to examine risk and safety in today’s society.
- Develop our students’ knowledge of risks, consequences and support systems within society.
- Ensure that Citizenship provides students with opportunities for personal growth, developing moral and social awareness.
- Contribute fully to the life and work of the School including developing a whole-school cultural responsibility for PSHE provision.
- Enhance students’ creativity, public speaking, critical thinking and risk analysis skills.
This provision has been created with the following documents in mind…
- Citizenship National Curriculum (Sep 13)
- Relationship & Sex Education & Health Education (June 21)
- Catholic Education Service – RSE Quality Standard (Jan 20)
- PSHE Association - Programme of Study for PSHE Education (Jan 20)
- KCSIE (Sep 23)
- OFSTED Framework for Inspection – Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Personal Development (May 19)
- Character Education (Nov 19)
KS3 curriculum overview – Year 7
PSHE Lessons
Lessons focus on the following themes
- Healthy choices e.g. friendships and lifestyle and well-being
- Rights & responsibilities
- Human rights
- Democracy
- Monarchy
- Role of parliament
- Political Parties
- Voting
- Safety and Well-being including First Aid, Transport Safety and Self regulation.
- Skills and careers
- Being a clever consumer
- Money matters
- Social Justice
Personal Development Days
- Character Education including; confidence, courage, empathy, compassion, gratitude and optimism
- Healthy choices for your body (Dangers of smoking, why we need sleep and internet addition)
- Healthy friendships
- Mental health and well-being
- Conflict resolution
- Environmental issues
KS3 curriculum overview – Year 8
PSHE Lessons
Lessons focus on the following themes
- Criminal justice system
- Rights and role of the police
- Young offenders
- Adult courts
- How democracy links to freedom
- Civil rights
- Human rights
- 2010 Equality Act
- Freedom of the Press
- Careers education
- Personal Finance
- Racism & discrimination
- Online Safety and Harassment
- Healthy diet including links to cancer and oral health
- Preventable diseases
Personal Development Days
- Character Education including: team work, resilience, trust, listening skills, partnerships, responsibility and assertiveness
- Refugee awareness
- Internet safety
- Conflict resolution
- Law of Joint Enterprise and gangs
- Healthy confidence
- Healthy relationships including peer-on-peer abuse
- Healthy body (alcohol and drug use dangers)
- First Aid
- Mental health and well-being
KS3 curriculum overview – Year 9
Lessons focus on the following themes
- Health and Safety including drugs, alcohol, smoking and vaping awareness
- Positive body image and healthy lifestyle
- Organ, blood and stem cell donation
- Vaccination and Immunity
- Career Aspiration and Pathways
- Personal Safety including, Exploitation, County lines, Knife Crime and Exploitation
- Community Cohesion including Racism, British Values, Global responsibility and Political Extremism
Personal Development Days
- Safety and Risk
- Well-being and Mental Health
- First Aid
- Online Safety
- Knife Crime and Anti Social Behaviour
KS4 curriculum overview
Character Week, Personal Development Days, Form Resources and Assemblies focus on the following themes (an example of what is covered):
- Financial Education including income, expenditure, credit and savings
- Public money
- Debt
- Gambling including online gambling
- Pay day loans
- Conflict resolution
- County lines
- Dangers of drugs and alcohol
- Legal substance misuse
- Homelessness
- Family issues and healthy relationships
- Mental Health and resilience
- Beyond year 11 career planning
- Career identifying
- Employability skills
- How to make career decisions
- Interview skills
- Team work and challenges
- Healthy Lifestyle Choices
- Well-being
- Online Safety
- Healthy relationships, respect and consent
Career opportunities
PSHE helps prepare our students with the character and skills required to flourish in all career fields. Attributes such as empathy as a leader and resilience are focal points of the PSHE curriculum
A few examples of careers available that link to Citizenship
Civil servant, police, social services, MPs, governance, parliamentary advisor, charity sector, lawyer, community support worker, medic, ambulance first responder, carer, financial advisor, accountant, Intelligence officer, data protection advisor.
Revision guidance
PSHE lessons in year 7 and 8 include informal assessments at the end of each topic, these will assess knowledge and understanding of the statutory curriculum. Revision materials and tips on how to revise effectively will be given at the point of learning.
All other areas of PSHE and Citizenship will be assessed informally and do not require revision guidance.