Employer Zone
At Bishop Challoner Catholic College we pride ourselves on our employer engagement as we believe that there is no substitute for hearing first hand from an employer what a career, and working life, is really like. We work hard to make sure then that every year groups has at least one encounter with an employer per year. In reality, most year groups have input from at least 10. Below are just some of the organisations we have worked with recently:
As part of the Baker Clause we invite a wide range of colleges, training providers and UTCs to discuss vocational pathways with our students in years 8 -13 through various careers events such as Careers Fairs and Apprenticeships Fairs. In order to develop awareness and understanding of their options, we would be happy to invite any of these organisations to speak with our Year 7 cohort also.
We are always looking for new and exciting ways to work with employers and embed their input into our curriculum.
Please contact Miss E Darby, Careers Leader, (e.darby@bishopchalloner.bham.sch.uk) if you would like to get involved in any of the following activities or have other ideas about how we could work together:
Provider Access Policy
We look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the future!